Ideally, you could use a single transfection kit to optimally transfect a variety of cell types, including the recalcitrant ones. We designed the NanoJuice Transfection Kit for this purpose.
METAFECTENER PRO 是针对新标准的哺乳动物细胞转染的最新一代转染试剂。 采用结合专利毒性优化(TOP)技术,Biontex 成功地在显著提高RMA 功能促进DNA 释放进入细胞的效率的同时最小化了对细胞的毒性。
MISSION siRNA Transfection Reagent
The MISSION siRNA Transfection Reagent is for the transfection of siRNA to achieve ≥90% silencing efficiency for transient knockdown of eukaryotic gene expression. Effective gene silencing and reduce
amaxa nucleofector电转试剂盒
amaxa nucleofector电转试剂盒是Lonza细胞核转染仪/Lonza细胞电转仪的专用细胞核转染试剂盒,北京泽平科技有限公司专业代理amaxa nucleofector电转试剂盒
产品详细描述 全球公认的最高效转染技术,针对免疫细胞、神经细胞、干细胞等几乎所有的难转染细胞系或原代细胞,以及悬浮细胞。 ——Amaxa品牌Nucleofector细胞核转染技术
X-tremeGENE 9 DNA Transfection Reagent
X-tremeGENE 9 DNA Transfection Reagent is a proprietary blend of lipids and other components supplied in 80% ethanol, filtered through 0.2 μm pore size membrane, and packaged in glass vials.
amaxa nucleofector 2b电转液
amaxa nucleofector 2b电转液是Lonza细胞核转染仪/Lonza细胞电转仪的专用细胞核转染试剂盒,北京泽平科技有限公司专业代理amaxa nucleofector 2b电转液